Propane Vs Natural Gas Grills — Why Choose One Over the Other?

When it comes to grills, there are two main types of fuel: propane and natural gas. Both have their pros and cons, so it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between propane and natural gas grills, and help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs!

The most important difference between propane and natural gas grills is the fuel source. Propane is a liquefied petroleum gas, while natural gas is a methane-based gas. Propane grills need to be connected to a propane tank, while natural gas grills can be connected directly to your home’s natural gas line.

One of the benefits of propane grills is that they are portable. If you want to take your grill on a picnic or camping trip, a propane grill is the best option. However, if you want to set up your grill in one spot and leave it there, a natural gas grill is a better choice. Natural gas grills are also more affordable to operate than propane grills, because you don’t have to pay for a separate tank of gas.

Propane grills tend to be more powerful than natural gas grills, so if you want to cook food quickly, a propane grill is the better choice. However, natural gas grills are more efficient than propane grills, so they are a better option if you want to save money on your energy bill.

propane vs natural gas grills

Natural Gas Vs Propane — Which Should You Choose?

  • If you want a grill that is portable and powerful, go with a propane grill.
  • If you want a grill that is affordable to operate and efficient, go with a natural gas grill.

What is a Natural Gas Grill?

A natural gas grill is a type of grill that uses natural gas as its main fuel source. Natural gas is a methane-based gas, and it is the most common type of fuel used in residential grills. In order to use a natural gas grill, you must have access to a natural gas line that can be connected to your grill. The benefit of a natural gas grill is that it is very affordable to operate, because you don’t have to pay for a separate tank of gas. The downside of a natural gas grill is that it is not as portable as a propane grill.

What is a Propane Gas Grill?

A propane gas grill is a type of grill that uses propane as its main fuel source. Propane is a liquefied petroleum gas, and it powers the majority of portable grills on the market. In order to use a propane grill, you must have a propane tank that is connected to the grill. The benefit of a propane grill is that it is very portable, so you can take it with you on picnics or camping trips. However, the downside of a propane grill is that it is not as efficient as a natural gas grill.

Advantages of Grilling with Natural Gas over Propane Gas

  • Natural gas grills can be connected directly to your home’s natural gas line, so you don’t have to worry about refilling a propane tank.
  • Natural gas grills are more affordable to operate than propane grills, because you don’t have to pay for a separate tank of gas.
  • Natural gas grills tend to be more efficient than propane grills, so they use less fuel and save you money on your energy bill.
  • Some natural gas grills come with features like infrared heaters that make them even more efficient.

Environmentally Friendly

One of the benefits of using a natural gas grill instead of a propane grill is that it is more environmentally friendly. When you use a propane grill, the propane tank must be refilled regularly. This creates waste and contributes to climate change. However, when you use a natural gas grill, the methane-based gas comes from your home’s natural gas line. This gas is burned as fuel, so there is no waste created when you use a natural gas grill.

Easy on Your Pocket

Another benefit of using a natural gas grill is that it is easier on your pocket. The initial cost of a natural gas grill may be higher than the cost of a propane grill, but you will save money in the long run because you won’t have to pay for a separate tank of propane.


Natural gas grills are also more convenient than propane grills, because you don’t have to worry about running out of fuel. If you have a natural gas line in your home, you can simply turn on the grill and start cooking.

Dry Heat

It’s been said by natural gas convert that’s the dry heat of propane can make things taste better because there is not as much humidity in the air.

Advantages of Grilling with Propane Over Natural Gas

  • Propane grills are more powerful than natural gas grills, so they can cook food faster.
  • Some propane grills come with features like side burners that make them more versatile.
  • Propane grills are more affordable than natural gas grills, because you don’t have to pay for a separate tank of gas.
  • Propane tanks are portable, so you can take them with you on picnics or camping trips.
  • When you use a propane grill, the propane tank must be refilled regularly. This creates waste and contributes to climate change.

More Energy Efficient

One of the benefits of using a propane grill is that it is more energy efficient. Propane is a liquefied petroleum gas, and it burns cleaner than natural gas. This means that less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when you use a propane grill.

Lower Cost

Another benefit of using a propane grill is that it is lower cost. The initial cost of a propane grill may be higher than the cost of a natural gas grill, but you will save money in the long run because you won’t have to pay for a separate tank of gas.


One of the benefits of using a propane grill is that it is more portable than a natural gas grill. Propane tanks are small and lightweight, so you can take them with you on picnics or camping trips.


Another benefit of using a propane grill is that it is more versatile than a natural gas grill. Some propane grills come with features like side burners that make them more versatile.

No Upfront Costs to Install

One of the benefits of using a propane grill is that there are no upfront costs to install. A natural gas grill must be connected to your home’s natural gas line in order to work, but a propane grill can be used anywhere there is a source of propane.


So, what’s the verdict? Both propane and natural gas grills have their advantages and disadvantages. It really depends on your personal preferences as to which one you choose.